Our Oxygen Administration training classes are designed to help your employees and volunteers quickly assess a situation and respond effectively. They ensure your people are confident handling a medical emergency, when a life may be in jeopardy.

The Gold Cross Ambulance TEAM Oxygen Administration training class outline:

  • Safety measures for oxygen use
  • Oxygen system devices, components and set-up
  • Controlled and uncontrolled distress
  • Causes, symptoms and treatment of shock
  • Nasal cannula use
  • Non-rebreather mask use
  • CPR shield and tubing
  • Bag Value Mask (BVM)
  • Oxygen administration and protocol

Gold Cross Ambulance teaches Oxygen Administration according to nationally recognized guidelines. In addition, all our classes have been reviewed by our medical director, Dr. Mark Westfall. When you choose Gold Cross Ambulance Oxygen Administration training, you are choosing a clinically sound approach that reflects best practices and proven results.

Register your group or organization for TEAM Oxygen Administration training.

Complete the course evaluation form for TEAM Oxygen Administration training.

For more information about our TEAM training, contact:

Amanda Corrao, Community and Education Coordinator
(920) 841-4723

The instructor related well to the class, was easy to follow and was engaging and comfortable.

– TEAM Training class participant