Focused on excellent care
About Us
For more than 25 years, Gold Cross Ambulance Service has proudly served northeastern Wisconsin with paramedic-level care for 911 medical emergencies and non-emergency transport services to more than 280,000 people in 1,200 square miles of portions of Calumet, Outagamie, Waupaca and Winnebago counties. With more than 25,000 call responses each year, and continuing training and professional development, our team is ready for any medical emergency 24/7/365.
Gold Cross also brings EMS expertise to the region through our management services, making us the only not-for-profit, regional ambulance service in the state.
Our Mission
To provide expert healthcare services that improve the future of our community by leveraging the talents of our employees.
Our Vision
To be the preferred provider in the eyes of our community and employees.
Our Values
- Development: Investment in employees to progress abilities and ensure high-quality leadership, care, and skills application.
- Efficiency: Proficiency in protocols, skills, and scope of practice to ensure effective and timely delivery of job responsibilities.
- Dedication: To show up, be prepared and demonstrate teamwork; having the best interest in the company from management and employees; demonstrating ethical patient advocacy and professionalism.
- Quality: Provides exceptional care in compliance with industry best practices.
- Collaboration: Willing to listen, learn and work together for a common goal, both internally and externally
- Compassion: Treating coworkers, patients, families, and community partners with respect, dignity, and empathy.
Scope of Service
Gold Cross Ambulance provides ground transport at the advanced life support (ALS) level as defined by the State of Wisconsin EMS office. We provide high-quality emergency medical care at the scene of traumatic or medical emergencies, and during transport to and between medical facilitates.
Gold Cross Ambulance ground operations comprise a team of state licensed paramedics and emergency medical technicians that provide advanced life support care and transport throughout the Fox Valley region. The Gold Cross Ambulance critical care team is additionaly staffed with critical care level paramedics and/or critical care registered nurses.
Although, Gold Cross Ambulance is able to accommodate the treatment of most patients in the pre-hospital and inter-facility settings the following conditions would require additional hospital staff or transport teams be sent to handle patient care.
- ECMO Patient- Perfusionist/Physician and/or RN will accompany the patient and assume primary care of patient.
- IABP Patient- RN and/or Physician will accompany the patient and assume primary care of patient.
- High Risk O.B.- A minimum of an additional obstetrics RN will accompany the patient during transport and assume primary care of the patient
- NICU Patient- Specialized transport team and equipment will accompany patient
- Bariatric Patient- Any patient that is >500 lbs. will be deferred to a third party ambulance service outside of the Gold Cross Ambulance primary service area. Gold Cross dispatch center will work with the hospital to help with coordination and communication between the third party bariatric ambulance providers.
Our Customer Service Standards
Golden Rule
Customer First